How to detect lung cancer at an early stage
British oncologists have warned in the press that the initial symptom of developing lung cancer may be hoarseness that has appeared in a person's voice.
“Always pay attention to hoarseness that has suddenly appeared in the voice and that lasts for several weeks. This may be a signal of the onset of cancer. Knowing this fact saves if you pay attention to the symptom in time,” the doctors said.
According to experts, the occurrence of lung cancer is influenced by hereditary predisposition. It was found that many patients have a family history of this disease – among their relatives there are cases of lung cancer. In addition, scientists have noticed a connection between the occurrence of lung cancer and the presence of chronic lung diseases, in particular, tuberculosis.
The environmental situation in which a person lives also plays a big role. According to experts, living in industrial regions, characterized by a large number of factories and plants, as well as near highways with their exhausts, dramatically increases the risk of lung cancer. The incidence of this type of cancer in the population of such regions is consistently above average.
In addition, people who work with toxic substances, such as arsenic, asbestos, chromium, nickel, are at greater risk of becoming victims of lung cancer.
Speaking of a hoarse voice, experts have noticed that hoarseness is not always a sign of cancer. However, if you experience a strange hoarseness in your voice, especially if it doesn't go away for a long time, you should immediately seek medical attention, scientists recommended.
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