How to determine if you have an iron deficiency
Iron is needed by the body to form blood. The other day, Doctor Tatiana Shapovalenko reported that the sign of iron deficiency anemia in humans may be low hemoglobin levels in the blood. How else can you determine the existing iron deficiency?
The need for iron in an adult is 10 milligrams per day. A woman should take about 15 milligrams of iron. In pregnant women, the need for a gland is much higher and is 30 milligrams a day. If this need is not satisfied, it can lead to iron deficiency.
What signs can indicate such a deficit? They can quickly develop into more serious symptoms of deficiency. These include:
- Loss of hair shine and hair loss,
- Brittle nails,
- dry and pale skin,
- Cracks in the corners of the mouth,
- High sensitivity to cold,
- Increased susceptibility to infections.
” Experts.
Iron-rich products include:
- meat-pork and beef,
- vegetables are first beetroot and different types of cabbage,
- legumes-lentils, chicks, and
tablets and iron additives also help maintain a constant balance of iron, but you should only take them on the recommendation of a doctor, as too much iron can damage the body. absorption of iron, ”the doctors were warned.
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