How to determine that potatoes need to be dug
Untimely or early digging of potatoes will not be beneficial. Therefore, it is worth figuring out how to choose the optimal time and what parameters you should pay attention to.
What you need to know
Each summer resident has their own method and technology. As practice shows, few people are ready to change their habits, and in vain. Potato ripening times directly depend on:
- Weather in the region.
- Frequency of watering.
- Amount of top dressing.
Potato varieties and other factors
The weather is always different, so the decision to dig must be made individually in each case. Following the usual deadlines, you can make key mistakes.
What are the disadvantages of early or late harvesting?
Here we should immediately indicate the critical periods: 3 weeks. For example, if you harvest potatoes early or late, there is a possibility that the entire harvest will be lost. A simple example: if potatoes are dug up early, they should be consumed immediately.
It is not suitable for long-term storage, because the “skin” of such potatoes is too thin and susceptible to mechanical stress. Such potatoes are a great danger. While stored in the basement, they will begin to rot, mold will appear, which can lead to the loss of the rest of the crop.
There is also no point in delaying harvesting. When the tubers dry out, the growth of potatoes stops. The only thing the fruits will do is rot in the soil, especially since the rains begin in August-September. Harvesting must be timely, there are no other options for preserving the crop.
When to dig early potatoes
The timing directly depends on when the potatoes were planted. Under normal conditions, the fruits appear 45-60 days after planting. It makes no sense to wait for large fruits during this period. But if they are needed for consumption right now, then you can safely dig them up. The risks are minimal, because after digging up one bush, every summer resident will be able to understand whether it is worth continuing.
When to dig for storage
Potato harvesting usually begins in mid-August. The timing, weather conditions, and region are important. There is an interesting tip: if the tops of the potatoes have started to dry and turn yellow, it means that you can start digging in 3 weeks.
Before starting digging, you can conduct a “combat reconnaissance”. To do this, you need to dig up a few random bushes in the middle of the bed. This will allow you to determine the thickness of the skin and the general condition of the potatoes.
What to do when the potatoes are dug up
You should not immediately put them in the basement. First of all, the potatoes should be dried for several hours in the shade. Next, you need to get rid of the dirt that has stuck to them and sort them out. Sorting potatoes is important, you should get rid of all fruits that have:
- Mechanical damage.
- Rot
- Cuts
- Insect marks
What can be planted after potatoes
And here some summer residents will be surprised, but even in August, various plants can be planted on vacant beds after potatoes. You can plant:
- radishes;
- spinach;
- arugula;
- chicken salad;
- onions and other greens.
Of course, in August, plants require different care, but there is nothing complicated about it.
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