How to determine the lack of an extremely important vitamin on the tongue

As American doctors reported, detecting a deficiency vitamin B12, which is important for the body, can be obtained by the condition of the tongue.

Experts note that the smoothness and “fleshy-red” color of the tongue indicates a lack of this very element. Taste receptors located in the tubercles on the tongue are blocked.

Vitamin B12 is necessary for many important hormonal and metabolic functions of the body. For example, for the production of digestive enzymes, normal hematopoiesis and neurological functionality. Doctors confirm that it is B12 that contributes to the transport of oxygen to brain cells. If they do not get enough nutrition, then the person remembers facts and people worse.

What other factors can indicate a B12 deficiency?

Muscle weakness. Lack of oxygen nutrition leads to fatigue. Transport of erythrocytes to tissues slows down, muscles become weak.

Poor memory, disorientation. Often, elderly people are frightened by such symptoms, they talk about senile dementia or Alzheimer's disease. If you go to a specialist and take a blood test, it may turn out that the whole thing is a lack of vitamin.

Tingling in the muscles. The peripheral nervous system, sensing a lack of oxygen, provokes numbness, tingling of the limbs.

In addition, B12 is involved in the production of one of the hormones of joy – serotonin. If there is not enough of it in the body, there is a chance of depressive states, depressed mood.

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Author: alex

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