How to feed garlic to get big heads


garlic is a useful and unpretentious plant that Everyone who has a garden area is grown. However, garlic, like any other crop, needs nutrition. Therefore, it is better to take natural remedies.

for example, a cow . It will give garlic phosphorus, potassium, calcium and nitrogen. Garlic heads will allow it to be larger than usual. The fact is that it promotes plant growth, and also well protects against pests. Simply scatter the ashes between the beds, and to fix the watering or catch time before the rain. Some also use ashes as an application when watering. To do this, 200 ml of ash should be taken. In a bucket of water, it is enough to dilute only 25 ml of substance and water the beds. After every watering with power, you need to loosen the beds.

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Author: alex

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