How to feed raspberries in the spring: a super remedy for large and sweet berries

First of all, pay attention to care. It is necessary to inspect the plantings, loosen the soil, make mulch, cut old branches. Treatment from diseases and pests is also included in the list of mandatory procedures.

In April, when the temperature of the air and soil becomes warm enough, you can start feeding raspberries. For this, you need to use both organic and mineral fertilizers. It is recommended to use the following:

  • humus;
  • peat;
  • ash;
  • superphosphate;
  • mullein;
  • bird droppings.

With these types of fertilizers, raspberries will grow actively, produce new shoots and bear fruit. Harvesting large and tasty berries is very pleasant, so do not miss the spring top dressing.

By the way, summer residents consider ash and ash to be super-remedies. It contains a lot of nutrients and minerals, which fully cover the needs of raspberries in their quantity. It is recommended to apply ash in large volumes once every 2 years. In this way, you will provide raspberries with phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and calcium.

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Author: alex

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