How to fertilize seedlings for pennies: save money
Unfortunately, it is not always possible to create ideal conditions for the growth of seedlings, so the task of the gardener is to provide a little support to young plants.
In the opinion experienced gardeners, to help the seedlings, it is worth using light organic fertilizers, after applying which it will not feel stress.
The nutrition, which will be discussed now, is prepared from onion husks and provides antibacterial effect for the soil, and also helps to strengthen the immunity of plants and repels aphids.
It can be used throughout the growing period of seedlings with a frequency of once a week, because it is not only an organic fertilizer, but also a natural fungicide and insecticide.
So, how to prepare a nutrient?
To begin, pour a glass of onion peel with two glasses of water and bring the liquid to a boil.
After that, remove the decoction from the fire and leave it to infuse for 2 days.
Then you need to fill a syringe with the infusion and put 2-3 drops under the root of each plant.
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