How to fight yellowing garlic with the help of magnesium sulfate
Many summer residents are faced with problem: they come to check the plot and see that their garlic has started to turn yellow. It's too early to panic, but you shouldn't rush to wrong conclusions either. Most summer residents believe that garlic turns yellow due to a lack of nitrogen. But in practice there are many more reasons.
First of all, they pay attention to the weather that was last week. Perhaps there were repeated frosts that damaged the culture.
If the garlic does not recover a week after the frost, then it is time to apply top dressing.
Prepare a remedy based on magnesium sulfate. The composition includes sulfur and magnesium, which garlic needs no less than nitrogen.
Even inexperienced summer residents can handle the preparation of the solution. 1 tbsp is mixed in 10 liters of water. l. magnesium sulfate. The garlic beds are watered in advance with ordinary water so that the soil is moist before applying top dressing.
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