How to fry cabbage so it doesn't become “dry” and tasteless

Fried cabbage often brings pleasure to gourmets as a separate dish. However, housewives quite often make mistakes that lead to dryness and deterioration of the taste of the product. To preserve the softness, juiciness and wonderful taste of cabbage, you must follow one simple rule.

A common mistake

Some amateur cooks rush to put fresh cabbage on a hot frying pan immediately after the product has been shredded.

You should never do this: as a result of such heat treatment, the shredded vegetable will become very hard and much less tasty. The cabbage must be properly prepared for the procedure.

What to do with cabbage

Before sending the shredded cabbage to a hot surface, the vegetable must be doused with boiling water.

This simple action will prepare the product for further frying and allow it to retain its softness and excellent taste.

As a result, the pies to which you plan to add the fried cabbage ingredient will definitely not be spoiled.

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Author: alex

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