How to fry food if there is no vegetable oil at hand

Even an experienced housewife can find herself in a force majeure situation, when she urgently needs to prepare food, and the usual oil is not at hand.

There is no need to immediately go to the store – this product can be easily replaced.

< h2>Details

What options should you pay attention to

Parchment paper

This trick is used by housewives , who do not have the opportunity to purchase a high-quality frying pan, but want to cook deliciously. Thanks to the parchment paper that is being prepared, it will not stick even to old dishes.

It is also worth knowing that with this method of cooking there is no need for oil or any other fats.

You just need to cut the parchment, the diameter of which will be slightly smaller than the bottom of the pan.

You can safely cook on it.

Plain water

< p>This process cannot be called traditional roasting, because it is more like stewing. But in a hopeless situation, the method can save.

You just need to pour a small amount of water, wait for the pan to heat up and send the products to fry.

If necessary, you will need to add water.

Soy sauce or tomato paste

If you are not afraid to experiment in the kitchen and you are interested in new taste combinations of products, you will like this method.

Instead of oil you can safely add natural tomato paste or high-quality soy sauce.

Even an ordinary dish will turn out to be original and interesting.

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Author: alex

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