How to fry potatoes in a multicooker


The cuisine of a modern hostess, as well as professional restaurants, have many different techniques whose task is to make it possible to make all the way. You want, even fry potatoes.


To whom it seems that the potatoes cooked in the multivark will be half boiled, he simply cannot cook. All you have to do is choose the right mode. If there is no function of “fry”, then potatoes will be suitable for “baking” or “cake”.


  1. To keep the potatoes not cooked, and fried, you need to heat the device to the desired temperature. To do this, the bowl is closed with a lid and left for 2-3 minutes.
  2. To get rosy potatoes, you do not need to close the bowl at all.
  3. It is not necessary to continue the timer readings, often you have to continue the mode.
  4. To fry potatoes in a multicooker with a delicious crust, choose the right variety – preferably with a minimal starch content.
  5. Be sure

    you need

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Author: alex

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