How to fry the “perfect” kefir pancakes
Lush and rosy pancakes are a great option for breakfast on a day off. You can decorate the plate with fresh berries or fruit, and various sauces are also suitable, such as sour cream or condensed milk.
- kefir, 0.5 l;
- flour, 2 cups;
- soda, up to 1 tsp. (a little less);
- sugar, 1 tbsp. l.;
- egg, 1 pc.;
- pinch of salt;
- vegetable oil for dough, 1 tbsp. l.;
- oil for frying.
Preparation features
First, you should combine the egg and kefir, and then you can mix in the other components.
Kefir cannot be cold. The drink should be taken at room temperature, but ideally it should be slightly warmed up. In addition, this product should not be sour.
You should also not add too many eggs to make pancakes. Otherwise, they will be heavy and low.
Flour should be added to the dough in small portions so that it crumbles and air mass comes out.
It is considered a mistake that not every housewife adds vegetable oil to the dough. It is thanks to this component that the pancakes turn out to be less greasy on the outside during frying.
Another secret to making lush pancakes is that you should not add a lot of sugar. This product caramelizes and gives rigidity. You should also take into account that such pancakes will burn faster.
As soon as the dough is ready, you should not immediately proceed to frying, it should be infused. It is advisable to leave the mass for 15 minutes, and only then put everything in a frying pan. This is necessary so that the soda has time to react and the resulting airy treat is obtained.
It is advisable to take the dough with a wet spoon.
While frying the second side, you can cover the pan slightly with a lid to make the pancakes more fragrant.
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