How to get rid of an unpleasant smell from the refrigerator
The appearance of extra odors in the refrigerator is a frequent phenomenon. Even the best housewives face this trouble from time to time.
The fact is that in the refrigerator there can be a “mixing” of aromas, which individually are quite pleasant, but in combination one with one – not so much.
In addition, some product may spoil. And even if you throw away food with an expired shelf life, it is far from a fact that the smell will also evaporate.
There are many ways to remove and “disguise” excess “flavors”. The most popular method is to use baking soda. It really is a good sorbent.
However, experienced housewives do not recommend putting a saucer with this liquid agent in the pan.
The fact is that there is a method that will give a more noticeable result: unpleasant odors will disappear completely and very quickly.
What to use instead of soda
Experienced housewives long ago came to the conclusion that the most effective remedy against excess “aroma” in the refrigerator is not sodium bicarbonate, but activated carbon.
You need to take about 10 black pills, turn them into a powder and pour them on a saucer.
The dishes are sent to the shelf of the refrigerator for several days. Soon all unpleasant odors will be absorbed.
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