How to get rid of cravings for flour

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The problem of craving for flour is very common, but few people know how to fight it . Freshly baked croissants and cinnamon buns can intoxicate anyone and make them forget about the harm that regular consumption causes to the body. In our material, we talk about why flour should be limited and how to do it correctly.

Why should flour be limited?

The first and most common reason is the risk of gaining weight easily. Any baked goods made with processed white flour is a real carb bomb. Buns and cakes with a high calorie content have practically no nutritional value, which means that you will want to eat again in literally an hour. Frequent consumption of baked goods creates a calorie surplus (when you eat more than you have time to burn), which causes us to gain weight.

How to get rid of cravings for flour

The condition of the skin is also not affected in the best way by eating the stuffing. The sugar contained in sweet pastries provokes increased production of insulin, imbalance of bacteria in the intestines, improper distribution of fat. As a result, acne, wrinkles, swelling appear on the face, the skin becomes flabby, and the complexion becomes dull.

Another reason: a large amount of carbohydrates provokes a spike in blood sugar. After the rise, the glucose level drops sharply, due to which the feeling of hunger returns to you and the mood drops. If such fluctuations become regular, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes increases.

How to do it?

If you cannot imagine your life without flour, it will be difficult to take the first steps. To begin with, nutritionists recommend making your own rating of baked goods, dividing the products in it depending on how much you like them. Everything that goes below the third point should be completely abandoned. “Favorites” have the right to a place in your diet, but you should eat them no more than 2-3 times a week and in limited quantities. of flour products increased again. Try to eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains. They also contain carbohydrates, but they are also rich in vitamins and minerals and will not harm the body.

Also, try to monitor your sleep schedule. Chronic lack of sleep activates the production of the hunger hormone ghrelin and increases the desire for high-carbohydrate food – it is easier for the body to get energy from it.

The same applies to stress. The habit of snacking on stress with baked goods only exacerbates the situation, as gluten (which is contained in these baked goods) further increases anxiety levels. We talked more about the connection between anxiety and gluten consumption here.

Another important rule is to change your attitude towards this restriction. Take the refusal of baking not as a restriction, but as self-care.

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Author: alex

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