How to get rid of herbivores on tomatoes, potatoes and other plants


Save the crop with effective folk and special preparations.

the culprits of this disease are fungi that live in the soil. They actively reproduce and capture plants – most often tomatoes, potatoes and eggplants. Moisture soil, foggy nights and cool weather contribute to the intensive development of phytophtors. It can also appear if you overdo it with nitrogen fertilizers. In overfeeded plants, immunity weakens and they cannot fully resist fungi.It is easy to detect a blister. Initially, brown spots and white plaque appear on the leaves, and then they completely turn yellow and dry. The stems can also darken. The disease does not spare the fruit: green tomatoes begin to blacken quickly. Sooner or later, the plants die unless measures are taken to combat the blight. The affected leaves are better sent to the trash or burn.After sanitary pruning, do not forget to wipe the sicker or scissors with a disinfectant so as not to infect other inhabitants of your garden when used. phytophtor favorable conditions for development.

How to deal with the blight

Folk remedies are effective at the first signs of the disease – when the spots have just shown on the lower leaves. If a phytophtor has struck a lot of buds or even overturned on fruits, it is better to use special preparations.Take 100 g of fresh yeast or 35 g of dry and dilute 1 liter of warm but not hot milk or whey. Allow the solution to stand at room temperature for 5 hours – in this hour useful fungi will start the fermentation process. The resulting mixture is carefully treated with plants and soil, and the residues can even be watered. A total of three processing at an interval of 10 days.In 9 liters of water, dilute 1 liter of whey or low -fat milk and 50 drops of iodine. With this solution, carefully treat the plants, fruits and soil on the bed. Iodine treatments should be carried out every 10 days before harvesting.

how to deal with herbivore on tomatoes and other plants with soda. You can add 20 g of liquid soap – it will help the solution better stick to the leaves. Spray plants and soil around them every 7-10 days before the end of the season.

How to treat plants from herbivores with garlic and manganese. Then dilute the garlic mixture into 10 liters of water and add 1 g of potassium permanganate. Spray plants and soil every 10 days before the end of the season.

How to get rid of herbivores with special preparations

special agents – fungicides – are considered to be the most effective for combating the blight. In stores you can find many drugs that in the complex will protect plants from other fungi – pathogens. For example, chemicals “Skor”, “Thanos”, “Revus Top”, “Coronet”, “Taidex (Pinnkoceb)” or biological – “Phytosporin” and “Tricodermine”. In addition, spraying plants with special means is better early in the morning or in the evening at sunset so that the solution does not burn the leaves.

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Author: alex

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