How to get rid of puffiness and bruises under the eyes: expert advice

Swelling and dark circles circles under the eyes give a tired look and visually age. In many cases, the main cause of swelling and bruising under the eyes is a genetic predisposition, but lifestyle leaves its mark. Cosmetologists told how to fight this phenomenon.

Quality sleep

In some cases, it is enough to get enough sleep to get rid of bruises under the eyes, said dermatocosmetologist Ksenia Lazareva. It is better to sleep on a high pillow in order to regulate the outflow of liquid from the face.

Healthy nutrition

Swelling, as a rule, is associated with the abuse of salt. Lazareva advised to reduce the amount of salt in the diet, while introducing seasonal vegetables and fruits into the daily menu. Apples and parsley especially contribute to the removal of excess fluid from the body.

Physical activity

Lack of movement contributes to lymph stagnation, but this in turn leads to swelling and edema. . It is not necessary to do sports professionally, it is enough to include physical activity in the daily schedule: walking, active games with children, cycling. As an express method, Lazareva recommended performing 100 jumps on the spot.

Cosmetic methods

The cosmetologist-esthetician reminded of a wide selection of patches for the area under the eyes, many which relieve puffiness and lighten the skin. You can make a cucumber or potato mask: apply a paste of these vegetables to the periorbital area and leave it for 15 minutes. If the skin under the eyes is not delicate, you can wipe it with an ice cube after washing, for this procedure you can freeze a decoction of chamomile or mint. For a visual effect, it is also recommended to use a cream with a brightening effect, when applying it, you need to do a light finger massage.

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Author: alex

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