How to get rid of root growth without chemicals: one method will help

The growth that cherries and plums are driven out every year, causing a lot of trouble to summer residents. These root shoots take away part of the plant's nutrients and prevent it from developing at full strength.

Fighting with root shoots

Gardeners fight with sprouts from year to year, but it is far from being possible to defeat them. always. So, for example, some summer residents get rid of young sprouts with the help of weeding and surface pruning.

Gardeners are in no hurry to use chemicals, because they, along with the fact that they neutralize the root shoots, also poison the tree. Dangerous substances will reach the plant itself through the roots.

Reliable method

There is one effective and reliable method. It is safe, but requires effort on the part of the summer resident.

To begin with, you need to get to the roots of the growth, that is, dig up the root. It is necessary to cut not only the shoots, but also the node itself, from which the branch grows.

Emergence of shoots

For plums and cherries, it is normal to grow shoots. But it is worth paying attention when it is too much.

Often, trees expel shoots when they are in unfavorable conditions. Plants are preparing for death, so they strive to release as many root shoots as possible.

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Author: alex

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