How to get rid of stains from sweat on clothes
In the summer heat, this problem is especially relevant, so many are looking for options for rescuing your favorite outfits from unesthetic spots. There are some simple methods for removing sweat stains that do not require special tools. In 1 liter of water dissolve 1 tsp. Sodium chloride. The thing is soaked in a salty liquid for 1 hour.
The way not only allows you to remove stains, but also makes things less susceptible to the traces of sweat.
you can use ammonia instead of salt. In a liter of water dissolve 1 tsp. a means. Further in the liquid soaked the thing and after this procedure is rinsed in plain water.
another ingredient is aspirin. Grind several pills and add some water to form a porridge. It is laid on spots and sends a thing in an hour in washing.
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