How to get rid of the smell of meat if it is “smelly”
Meat may have a slight odor if you forget it hide in the freezer in time. It happens that they bought not very fresh food at the market, but at a discount. What to do if there is a slight smell from the meat, but in general it is not spoiled yet. You can try to work with it.
Ways to get rid of the smell
Meat can be saved if it does not have sticky mucus and has not changed color. In its fresh form, it is pink, bright, and “with a smell” can acquire a greenish tint. If the product stinks, it is better to throw it away so as not to get poisoned. With a normal appearance and a moderately unpleasant aroma, you can do the following:
- Rinse the meat under cold water. Several times and thoroughly.
- Soak it in water with vinegar or lemon juice. Large pieces should be cut into smaller pieces. As an option, you can soak in water with salt, which should be plenty. You need to keep it in water for at least an hour.
- If the recipe allows, marinate with onions and spices.
- Cook under the influence of high temperature: baking, stewing, frying.
Pay attention to the condition of the meat. Be objective. You can save a somewhat dependent product. The same applies to chicken, turkey. But it is forbidden to cook and consume a really spoiled product in which bacteria have started to multiply.
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