How to get rid of the unpleasant smell when cooking pollock

The pollock could safely be called perfect type of fish, if it were not for the unpleasant smell during cooking. That is why young housewives try to choose a less “aromatic” product for frying. However, with the right approach, the smell can be neutralized.

How to achieve it

Prepare the fish correctly

If you want the concentration of the unpleasant smell has decreased significantly, then you should clean the product well from the inside.

After all, this is exactly why pollock causes an unpleasant aroma when fried.

Don't forget to remove the dark-colored film as well.

< p>Laurel leaf with pepper

Both spices are famous for neutralizing the unpleasant aroma and giving an interesting shade of taste. The pepper can be used immediately.

The bay leaf is added before frying.


If you want pollock to turn out tasty, then don't forget the fried onions. If you put the vegetable first and then the fish, you can forget about the unpleasant smell.

You can add some carrots to the onion for a richer taste.

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Author: alex

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