How to get rid of wireworms and beetles in the fall
Pests hide in the soil for the winter. Don't miss the right time to reduce their number on your site. You need to have time to cultivate the soil so that they cause less damage next season.
What to do
If you plan to dig up the soil in the fall, then don't be lazy and carefully select the wheatgrass. Don't leave the roots. Wireworms love this weed very much. The less you leave on the site, the less wireworms you will have. And it won't spoil the mashed potatoes.
Wireworms most often start and multiply in areas with acidic soil. This means that you need to deacidify in the fall. Check, maybe you need it too. Dolomite flour, chalk will help.
The beetle and wireworms have an aversion to lupine and legumes. Where they grow, there are no these pests. So do them a disservice and sow the area with such green manures. Then dig it up and you will have both protection from pests and improvement of the soil structure. By the way, before frost you need to have time to shed the soil with metarhizium. This will help to process organic matter faster and destroy pests.
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