How to get rid of your stomach if exercises and diet do not help?

flat stomach-a dream of any person, regardless of gender and age. But sometimes it happens that neither physical activity nor diet helps in the fight for a good press, and even in very slender people you can see a bulging tummy.

Our expert: osteopath, cranio postrologist. You're wrong. The point may not be in the amount, but in the composition of products. Often a bulging belly-spacious consequence of unbalanced nutrition. The menu must include raw vegetables, fruits, complex carbohydrates, proteins and animal fats. But sometimes it happens that, while involving sports and a balanced diet, it is possible to tidy up the whole body, except for the abdomen. Then we can assume that the abdomen that protrudes is not just fat deposits.

2. The abdomen protrudes because the internal organs are lowered. This is the most common reason. The internal organs are lowered due to the previous injury of the coccyx, the lifting of heavy objects, the weakening of the ligaments that hang the intestine. Of course, this condition can be complicated by overweight and divergence of the rectus of the abdomen. But diastasis is far from a prerequisite for a abdominal protrusion. Stretching of the white line of the abdomen always occurs during pregnancy, especially when a woman was carrying a large fruit (or there was a multiple pregnancy), as well as if polyhydramnios were observed. Also at risk of people with weak connective tissue and those who suffer from endocrine diseases.

Normally, the distance between the straight abdominal muscles is up to 2 centimeters. When this distance reaches 6-8 centimeters, doctors propose to solve the problem surgically. The operation makes sense, as a strong divergence of the muscles can provoke further development of hernias. If diastasis is small and caused by pregnancy and childbirth, you should not panic – this is a natural process.

It is much more important to focus on lowering organs associated with coccygeal trauma. When a person falls on the coccyx, his body stops sharply and the internal organs continue to move down the inertia. The ligaments that support them are stretched, the intestines are shifted from its place. The lowering of the internal organs can be easily diagnosed by evaluating the abdomen – in the lower part, above the bosom, it will bulge, even in the presence of trained muscles. There are also other obvious symptoms – for example, the severity in the abdomen after eating, accelerated urination, heaviness in the legs, the tendency to swelling of the legs, sometimes a sign of lowering of the viscera is infertility. In a traditional way when a person lifts a body with his hands, not effective and even, on the contrary, can cause the opposite effect, because such loads increase intra -abdominal pressure.

The first thing to do is consult a specialist to return the internal organs to its original position. At home, you can perform exercises for lifting internal organs, as well as a complex of breathing exercises based on retraction.Start breathing with your stomach. Then exhale all the air, as far as possible, and pull your stomach as much as possible to form an empty space under the ribs. Hold your breath and start tightening your stomach from the womb to the navel. When your arms reach the navel, slowly remove them, stop pulling your stomach so it returns to the starting position and slowly breathe.

Importantly! Do not breathe with your arms throughout the time. When performing breathing exercises, the chest should not be involved, make sure that it always remains stationary. For the first time, the feeling of exercise will be very unpleasant, then, when the organs take their places, the discomfort will pass. Perform the exercise every day before going to bed 2-3 times. Before bedtime, because in a horizontal position, the body does not act on the body of gravity and ligaments that hang the internal organs, have the ability to tighten better. Be sure to do this exercise if you lift the weight.

sit on the bed or on the floor and lean on the wall. Put one hand on a solar plexus and the other under the ribs. When exhaling, push the navel to the spine as much as possible, keep in this position and then relax. This exercise is best done at least 100 times in one approach. On average, it takes 2-3 minutes. Making several approaches every day, in a few weeks you will notice that the abdominal wall has become more tight.

side bar. lie on the floor. Connect your feet. The forearm rests on the floor, shoulder perpendicular to the floor. With the other hand, rest to the side. Get up so that the whole body forms a straight line. Hold the position for 30 seconds, straining the abdominal and buttocks. Perform the exercise for the other side.

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Author: alex

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