How to grow cucumbers using “Chinese technology”
In search of the ideal way to grow cucumbers, summer residents often come across the achievements of Chinese farmers. It turned out that agronomists from the Celestial Empire are accustomed to growing this crop with maximum vegetable yield.
From one bush at a time, summer residents collect 8-10 kg of cucumbers thanks to Chinese technology.
Fertilizers are prepared independently. To create fertilizer, chicken and rabbit droppings are used, which are pre-soaked in water for 4-5 days.
Then the concentrate is diluted in ordinary water. For every 0.5 l of infusion, 10 l of water is taken.
In addition, 250 g of ash, 50 g of mineral premix for farm animals, 100 g of starch and 70 g of fish meal are taken.
All components are thoroughly mixed and the plants are watered. It is enough to allocate 300 ml of the product for one bush. The first time cucumbers are fed when the first ovary appears.
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