How to grow strong tomato seedlings: 8 rules for gardeners

Before starting to grow tomato seedlings, it is necessary to pay attention to the climatic features of the territory. Before sowing seeds, it is also necessary to consider where the tomato bushes will grow – inside the greenhouse or in the open air.

How to grow strong tomato seedlings

General recommendations for growing tomato seedlings

  1. For sowing, it is necessary to use seeds of hybrids resistant to diseases, which tolerate sharp temperature changes well.
  2. Tomatoes need warm, so the greenhouse should always be at least +20 °C.
  3. Inside the greenhouses, it is desirable to grow plants with a long maturation period – 140 days. Early-maturing and ultra-fast varieties that ripen within 80-85 days are suitable for growing in open ground.
  4. You should not sow seeds earlier. Seedlings may outgrow by the time of planting and weaken.
  5. The boxes in which the seedlings will be placed must be clean, they must have drainage holes. Without good drainage, tomato seeds and seedlings can rot and die.
  6. In order for tomato sprouts to develop quickly, you need to take care of additional lighting or sow the seeds later, waiting for an increase in the length of the daylight hours.
  7. Important. plant picking should be done on time.
  8. Plants should be fed periodically. It is necessary to dissolve 12 g of dry yeast and a couple of tablespoons of sugar in a liter of warm water. After 6 hours, when the solution is infused, you should pour 3 liters of settled water at room temperature. It is necessary to water under the root – 1 teaspoon per plant. Feeding will stimulate the growth of roots and strengthen the green mass.

Following these recommendations, even an inexperienced gardener will be able to grow healthy, strong tomato bushes.

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Author: alex

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