How to grow sweet and big beets
During the ripening of beetroot fruits, gardeners apply one top dressing, thanks to which the crop grows large and sweet.
The fertilizer improves the taste of beets, increases the sugar content, increases the amount of vitamin C, and in general the fruits are stored longer.
The remedy is prepared more simply. To begin with, 10 g of boric acid is dissolved in a glass of hot water, then the composition is poured into a container with 10 liters of water. The liquid is thoroughly mixed, this solution is used for spraying or watering.
In addition, experienced summer residents water beets with saline solution. After such treatment, the beets become sweeter and tastier. The first watering with saline solution is carried out when the first leaves grow. When the fruits begin to appear, water a second time.
To prepare the product, dilute 1 tbsp. l. salt in a bucket of water. The volume is enough for 1 sq. m.
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