How to have time to rest, if you have a job, a child and a life

Combining work and life is almost always difficult. Fatigue, which sometimes accumulates during the working week, prevents cleaning or laundry planned for the weekend, and you have to sacrifice order in the house for the sake of such a necessary rest. But if you are raising a child, you don't have to relax. How to manage everything if you are a modern working mother – we will tell you more.

Soberly assess your possibilities

When, in addition to your work duties, you also have to take care of a child, your home can cease to be a place where you can relax and forget about all your affairs. You need to invest more energy and this is not suitable for everyone.

For someone, combining work and home is like managing a complex but interesting project, while someone may lack the strength for both. Some people have high work capacity. Others need more rest. This is not a drawback, but simply a fact that should be taken into account. Therefore, to begin with, you should soberly assess your capabilities and understand whether you can handle such a load. Ask yourself a few questions:

  • Do you have enough strength for everything?
  • Do you work for money or for your soul?
  • What, besides professional development , do you get from this work: money, recognition, gratitude? What is the role of these things in your life?
  • Can you adjust your employment or change your job to one that will allow you to pay more attention to your family?
  • Who can insure you in case of a child's illness or a work emergency?

Delegate responsibilities

Traditional views on the roles of spouses are nothing more than stereotypes, and adhere to them completely optional. You should not take on absolutely all the responsibilities of the house and raising children in order to conform to the idea of ​​a good wife and mother. Enlist the support of your husband or partner, then it will not be so difficult to lead a life, raise a child and work.

Discuss who and what chores will be done at home. It's normal to get tired, to dislike some household items, to free yourself from them and entrust them to other family members. And it doesn't matter if it's cleaning, washing, cooking or taking care of children. Delegate responsibilities to everyone whenever possible. This does not mean that you should immediately give up all household chores, but it is definitely worth dividing the responsibilities among all family members.

Turn to modern technologies

With a steam generator, ironing things will become less tiring, a multicooker will help you prepare dinner many times faster, and food delivery services can generally free you from standing at the stove for a long time. Use modern technologies at every opportunity, thanks to them you will be able to save not only time, but also energy.

Practice time management and keeping task lists

Time management is an important skill , which is worth mastering. Distribute all matters according to the degree of importance and urgency, make a list and follow a few simple steps:

  • start important and urgent matters first;
  • in the second place go to important ones , but non-urgent matters;
  • in the third – urgent, but not very important;
  • lastly, do non-urgent and unimportant matters.

When you have a list of all the things before your eyes, it will be easier to navigate, and setting priorities will help you understand which ones can be postponed for later. And remember that it is not necessary to have time to do everything, the main thing is not to miss the most necessary.

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Author: alex

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