How to help a young child overcome feelings of anxiety when mom has to go on errands: useful tips
For a child, separation from her mother is a very big stress. Especially if she spends most of her time with her. If she suddenly is not around for a long time, she will feel very anxious.
To help your baby cope with it, you need to approach the problem creatively. Only in this case will you be able to figure out how to help your child survive the temporary separation. And if you can't cope with it on your own, don't worry. Psychologists have given you some tips that will help you with this. We will talk about them in detail below.
Keep calm
When children do not see their parents for a long time, they feel anxious, which can upset or alarm them. And this is understandable, because no one wants to see their children upset. However, the most important thing in such a situation is to remain calm. If you give in to your own emotions, the child will definitely feel it, which will make the situation even worse.
Start with the smallest
It is impossible to immediately and from the first attempt to rid a child of separation anxiety. You need to act gradually, and it is worth starting with the smallest. For example, if you go to work or want to meet your friends, then invite a nanny for the time of your absence. This way you will let the child understand that he is not alone, and also that you will return home soon.
Play together with the children
Children learn about the world around them and learn new things through games. Therefore, using them, you can prepare the little ones for your absence. There are many classic games aimed at this. For example, the game “Where is the child?” is a good one. Its content is to cover the baby with a sheet, ask where he is, and then open it and say with a confused look that they have found him.
Make sure that the child has eaten when you plan to leave him
When children are hungry, they start to fuss and be naughty. Therefore, food can be one of the ways to help them cope with separation anxiety. Therefore, before you go away for a while, you need to feed your baby.
Leave your child something with your scent
This advice may seem strange, but it really works. Smelling the smell of mom will make the baby feel more comfortable, so he will be able to endure the separation from her more easily. Leave your child his own blanket, some item of clothing or something similar. With them, he will have the impression that you are somewhere nearby.
Common routine
All children love to do various things together with their parents. And, according to psychologists, a common routine is a great opportunity to help children cope with excessive anxiety and panic that occurs during separation. At the same time, it is not necessary to burden them with their own household chores. It will be enough to hug and kiss them sometimes.
Leave one of the relatives with the child
If you are planning to leave for a long time and do not want to entrust your children to an unfamiliar babysitter, then there is one great solution. Leave with them one of your relatives whom they know. Seeing a familiar face will make them feel much less anxious during long periods of separation from you.
Give them a soft toy
According to psychologists, children often become attached to certain things. Usually, it is a soft toy that they carry with them everywhere. Toddlers do not part with it for a minute. Therefore, if you have to leave for a few hours on business, leave it with your child. Thanks to this, he will not only be less nervous, but may not even notice your absence.
Play hide-and-seek
All children love this game because it is very fun. But its benefits are underestimated by many parents. Firstly, hide-and-seek contributes to the development of the child, and secondly, it can help prepare the child for being alone.
Do not check the baby immediately after leaving
This is the most important rule that absolutely all parents should follow. Especially if the child has a hard time being separated from them. If you go to another room or leave the house, you should not immediately return back. Entrust your baby to a nanny, otherwise you will never be able to cope with the situation.
By following the tips and recommendations described above, you can teach your child to do without your presence for some time. They have been tested by many parents, and their effectiveness has been proven by psychologists, so you can trust them.
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