How to help an orchid revive dry roots
Caring for orchids is not an easy task, although most gardeners have already received considerable experience in this matter. These plants are fickle, but at the same time so beautiful.
Regular care is sometimes disrupted by force majeure. For example, they forgot about watering. As a result, the roots in the orchid dry up. Do not think that all is lost. In most cases, the orchid can be saved.
How to help the plant
Prepare the tool with which you will work. You need secateurs and rubbing alcohol to wipe it off. Examine the roots of the orchid. It is necessary to remove all dry parts and those that have become lignified.
It is necessary to prepare a container with warm water. Dissolve an orchid rooting agent in it. Place the orchid in the solution for one hour. Then treat the roots with a fungicide.
In a large bag, which should be transparent, put sphagnum, which must be moistened beforehand. Place an orchid next to it. The package must be carefully closed so as not to injure the plant. Leave such an improvised incubator indoors at room temperature and with good lighting.
As a result, the plant will receive conditions under which it will be stimulated to grow new roots. Although this one may take several weeks. When the roots are 2-3 cm long, it will be possible to transplant into a pot.
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