How to improve gut health: 5 essential eating habits

Studies show that an imbalance of intestinal microflora can affect the development of various health problems, including diabetes, cardiovascular and immune diseases. Maintaining healthy eating habits is especially important for older adults, according to a study by the National Institute on Aging. Experts develop several rules that will help preserve the health of the main organ of longevity.

More fiber

Nutrition of the gut microbiome begins with the consumption of fiber, said nutritionist Sydney Greene. “It's important to consume fiber-rich grains, fruits and vegetables to optimize gut health,” she added. According to the expert, fiber feeds beneficial bacteria, and a diverse microbiome creates a reliable mucous barrier that lines the intestines, which reduces inflammation and protects the body from toxins.

Less flour and sweets

Reducing consumption of refined flour products and sugar plays a key role in gut health. Nutritionist Laura Krauza advises to break the habit of eating white bread, pastries and sweets, replacing them with whole oats, quinoa, brown rice and sweet potatoes.

More fermented foods

Sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir and yogurt are rich in beneficial microorganisms, so doctors recommend adding at least one portion of such products to your daily diet. They provide beneficial probiotics while lowering the pH of the gut and making it unfavorable for harmful bacteria.

Less meat

Eating a lot of meat is bad affects the microbiome. “The more animal protein comes in, the more the behavior of the bacteria that causes inflammation changes,” explained William W. Li, MD. In addition, it should be remembered that many meat products are heavily processed, so they contain chemical food additives and preservatives that destroy healthy bacteria.

Diet >

Another strategy for promoting gut health has to do with meal frequency. A study in the journal Nutrients showed that diet affects the composition of bacteria in the gut. It was found that if you consume the main part of calories in the first half of the day, and reduce food intake at lunch and in the evening, you can improve cell regeneration and work of the gastrointestinal tract in general.

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Author: alex

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