How to improve the area and soil after digging up potatoes
September is the time to get busy soil and its improvement. Potatoes are already dug or in the process. Everything is ready to carry out the necessary works.
After growing potatoes, the land loses a lot of nutrients. This is normal. We will be grateful to the soil if the harvest also grew generous and large. The worst thing is that the pests continue to be active. And for the next year, they can somewhat spoil garden affairs. Let's remember the popular potato wireworm.
What to sprinkle the soil with
Ammonium sulfate will help improve the soil and improve its health. If suddenly one is not found, you can use ammonium nitrate. These fertilizers are sources of nitrogen. But everything in moderation, because excess nitrogen doses are not needed in autumn.
The recommended consumption should be 15 g per 1 sq.m. Spread over the area, and then plant siderata. It can be mustard, oily radish or rapeseed.
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