How to improve the quality of sleep: doctor's advice, how to learn to fall asleep faster

In order to combat insomnia, the expert recommends developing “stimulus control of behavior”, thanks to which the body associates a sleeping place with a good sound sleep.

About how to improve the quality of sleep and learn to fall asleep faster, British doctor Greg Potter, one of the leading experts in the kingdom in matters of healthy sleep and nutrition, told in an interview. He noted that the problem of poor sleep is often associated with the lack of a regular routine that fixes the time of falling asleep and waking up. For many people, this is not an obstacle – they fall asleep normally at any time and in any place. However, if a person becomes prone to insomnia for some reason, this factor is of great importance.

“The most important thing for a good sleep is to develop a routine and stick to it.”

Greg Potter states that you can train your body to behave in certain ways in response to certain stimuli. If a person is driving and approaches a traffic light, he begins to brake, bringing this action to a reflex. Similarly, with falling asleep, the body must react with sleepiness when a person goes to bed in the evening.

“If you suffer from poor sleep and painfully long falling asleep, perhaps your body associates bed with wakefulness.”


How to improve the quality of sleep. According to the expert, in order to learn to fall asleep faster, it is important to be able to reduce the anxiety or conditioned excitement that can be felt when falling asleep. It is necessary to relearn to associate bed with sleep, he emphasizes.

What can be done for this: doctor's advice.

  • Use the bed only for sleeping – do not use a smartphone and laptop in it, do not find out about relationships.
  • Do not lie in bed in a state of dozing: there is no sleep – get up.
  • At night, lying down in bed for 15 minutes, but without falling asleep, you need to leave it and do something relaxing in dim lighting, for example, read a book.
  • If necessary, getting out of bed at night can be repeated four or five times – the main thing , be calm about it: one night without sleep is not scary.
  • Get out of bed in the morning at the same time every day.
  • Make the bedroom comfortable for sleep: it does not there should be no clutter, bright lighting, TVs and other electronic devices, windows should be tightly closed at night against light, the air temperature should not exceed 24 degrees.

If the measures did not work, you should consult a therapist .

“I advise people with insomnia to keep a sleep diary. It can detect lifestyle habits or daily activities that impair sleep quality.”

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Author: alex

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