How to increase harvest with bread
In an effort to avoid the use of chemicals and get an excellent harvest, gardeners and gardeners use the most unexpected products for fertilization. For example, bread. For this, it is not necessary to specially buy a loaf, it is enough not to throw away the cut crusts, moldy and dried pieces. All this in skillful hands will turn into the most valuable fertilizer.
What is useful bread
Bread itself is not that nutritious for plants. It contains nitrogen, phosphorus, and other elements, but in small quantities.
Bread has the highest carbohydrate content, but this does not have a great effect on its own. Then why is bread an effective supplement?
The answer is simple: it nourishes beneficial microorganisms and stimulates their activity. And they, in turn, provide plants with nutrients with double the power.
Bread infusion showed excellent results on cucumbers, tomatoes, peonies, strawberries, and berry bushes.
Important: it is not recommended to apply such top dressing under garlic, onions, or potatoes.
How to prepare bread fertilizer
There are many recipes, but most often the infusion is prepared from a loaf of black bread (or about the same amount of dried crusts and pieces) and 5 liters of water. The pieces of bread are poured with water, placed on top of something heavy so that they are covered with water, and left in a warm place for 5-7 days.
After a week, the infusion is filtered, diluted to 10 liters and used for root irrigation or foliar spraying. It is better to use sprinkling from a watering can, because small particles of bread clog the sprayer even after filtering.
The product can be improved, taking into account the preferences of different plants. For example, to feed cucumbers, iodine is added to the infusion (10 ml per bucket). Watering is carried out several times per season, approximately every one and a half to two weeks.
Tomatoes have a special need for phosphorus and potassium during fruiting. Ash or bone meal is added to the infusion before use.
Currants love starch, so potato peelings are first added to the fertilizer along with bread.
Can moldy bread be used?
Many people fear that mold can harm plants. But those moldy fungi that appear on bread, on the contrary, are useful.
They secrete an antibiotic that has a healing effect on the soil, suppresses some pathogenic microorganisms and protects the root system. Therefore, a remedy prepared with moldy bread is even more useful than ordinary bread.
Some gardeners do not waste time on infusing and watering. They simply put the crusts in the holes before planting or spread them under mulch. However, it should be borne in mind that such a “treat” can attract mice.
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