How to increase immunity? 8 proven methods
In the fall, our immune system needs all its power to successfully reflect bacterial and virus attacks. Here is what we can do to help her work even more efficiently.
in the fall, when cold, damp, windy and lacking sunlight, our immune system has to work on a full coil. And to support it, you should not neglect even the little things – in the cold season all the remedies are good. Here are some tricks to help strengthen your immune system.Chronic or simply long -lasting stress has a negative effect on the immune system: the more we get nervous, the more often we get sick. Therefore, it is important to find at least five minutes every day for practices that help to relax and relieve tension. Meditation, knitting, reading, massage, walking and even just a cup of tea, drunk with slow sips-everything goes in the way! Laughter helps release neurons that help us fight disease – it's time to choose a comedy for the evening.
When we sing, not only vocal cords and lungs, but also a spleen, which helps to increase the concentration of antibodies in the blood and enhance the immune system. If choir or karaoke rehearsals are not your method, at least sing in the soul – but heartily!Yes, physical education and truth enhances our health and helps to get sick less. You do not even need to enroll in the gym or pool – just do charging or hour to interrupt work for a few squats or slopes.
and relax
Do not get carried away with sports loads very much: in the fall, we need a rest in the fall. Do at least every other day, and even better – twice a week. This is the optimal mode that will allow you to recover between workouts. For this reason, keep your legs, arms, neck and head warm and do not allow yourself to freeze.
Drink ginger tea
the most autumn and winter drink – ginger, honey and lemon tea. It not only helps fight inflammation, but also supports our immunity, giving strength to fight disease.
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