How to increase the fertility of acidic soil: the choice of fertilizers and siderates
Summer residents know well , that it is difficult to grow good crops of root crops in acidic soil. Therefore, it is necessary to deoxidize from autumn. In the spring, the acidity will decrease. The plants will feel much better, which will increase the yield.
How to improve the soil
First of all, you need to use lime. It is brought under autumn digging. The norm is 300 g of product per 1 sq.m.
Alternative option if there is no lime. Instead, you can use dolomite flour (200 g), wood ash (1 kg) or chalk (0.5 kg). The amount is indicated in the same way per 1 sq.m. plots.
If you did not have time to improve the soil in the fall, try to do it in the spring. Support the soil in another proven way —
Growing siderates. As long as the weather is good, they will have time to build up green mass. One of the best options is white mustard. This plant is known for its beneficial properties. It increases soil fertility and also reduces acidity. What is needed in our case for soil deoxidation.
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