How to keep zucchini fresh until spring itself

Zucchini is unpretentious a culture that does not require special care. Many summer residents simply plant zucchini in a free place, and harvest at the right time.

The most interesting thing is that many do not even guess how to save zucchini until spring.


Which varieties of zucchini are stored for a long time

You should not think that all zucchini are suitable for long-term storage. There are varieties that are suitable only for preservation or consumption immediately after harvesting.

If zucchini varieties are suitable for long-term storage, they have several characteristics:

  1. Dense skin.
  2. Small seeds.
  3. Dry flesh.

The most popular varieties for long-term storage:

  • “Aral”;
  • “Nigritenya”;
  • “Anchor”;
  • “Aeronaut”;
  • “Assent”;
  • “Arlyka” and others.

The listed varieties are suitable for long-term storage. At the same time, it is worth remembering that their taste qualities are slightly different.

How to cut zucchini for long-term storage

There are several rules:

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  • Overripening should not be allowed.
  • The length of the stalk should be at least 5 centimeters.
  • Zucchini should not be washed, otherwise they will not be suitable for storage, as they may start to rot.
  • Harvest only in dry weather. If there have been heavy rains, the collection should be abandoned.
  • Zucchini should be carefully shaken off the ground. Mechanical action should not be applied.
  • Zucchini should also be carefully inspected. If there are mechanical damages or traces of diseases, such fruits should not be taken for long-term storage.

    Storage conditions

    Optimal conditions:

    • temperature from +4 to +10 degrees;
    • humidity 80% or less.
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    Such conditions can be achieved in a basement or underground. There are other ways, but they are more complicated.

    Storage in an underground or cellar

    In the underground, you should organize a separate shelf or use wooden boxes. A 10 cm layer of straw or other similar material must be laid on the bottom. The layer should absorb part of the moisture, preventing the fruits from rotting during storage.

    Occasionally, the humidity should be controlled. If the straw has become too wet, it should be replaced. Zucchini should be stacked in such a way that they do not touch each other. Fruits do not tolerate mechanical impact.

    Storage in an apartment

    Unfortunately, it is unlikely to create comfortable conditions here. Therefore, to save until spring itself is an almost impossible task. Vegetables can be stored in a special box, which must be placed in a place with the lowest temperature.

    A box with vegetables can be placed in a pantry, on an insulated balcony or near the front door.

    Storage in the refrigerator

    The refrigerator can be called the optimal place for storage. And who can allocate at least one shelf for the whole winter? When thinking about such storage, everyone should be rational.

    Zucchini should be placed in the refrigerator in paper bags that will absorb moisture. It is not possible to use dense or polyethylene packaging.

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    Publication date:
    Author: alex

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