How to live longer: 2 laws of nutrition for longevity

One of the most important factors that affect the length of a person's life, there is nutrition. In order to live a healthy and long life, you need to follow two basic laws.

As the chief nutritionist said, the first law provides for the correspondence of the energy value of the diet to the energy expenditure of a person. “It is important to get as much energy with food as you have spent. If you receive less, you will lose weight, become exhausted, and if you eat more, you will recover and acquire a whole bunch of diseases, first of all cardiovascular diseases,” the specialist warned.

The second law is the correspondence of the chemical composition of the diet to the needs of the body in food and biologically active substances. According to the academician, a person needs about 200 chemical compounds, of which 30-40 are indispensable. If all of them enter the body, then the person will be healthy. Such compounds include vitamins, minerals, various trace elements and amino acids.

At the same time, with age, the doctor advised to gradually change the diet and make it more digestible. However, nutrition should remain complete, the nutritionist emphasized.

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Author: alex

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