How to live longer: a simple drink for longevity has been found

The amount of evidence that diet can have a major impact on life expectancy, continues to grow. For example, it was discovered that the use of certain foods and drinks has a positive effect on the state of the cardiovascular system and can even protect against various types of cancer. Among healthy drinks, scientists single out green tea in particular.

According to researchers, tea contains a large amount of polyphenols known as catechins. These unique molecules have demonstrated powerful anticancer effects in a number of studies.

For example, a meta-analysis showed that drinking green tea can prevent the development of lung, colon, liver and stomach cancer. Another study found that breast cancer recurrence rates were significantly lower in patients who consumed more than five cups of green tea daily.

Another research paper published in the Europeans Journal of Preventive Cardiology showed , that the habitual use of this drink is associated with an increase in life expectancy. In a study conducted with the participation of more than 100,000 Chinese people, scientists tried to evaluate the effect of green tea on the development of vascular and heart diseases.

As a result, it was found that those who drank tea at least three times a week during seven years, the risk of heart attack and fatal stroke decreased by 56%. Scientists explained this effect by the ability of green tea to improve lipid metabolism, lower blood pressure and stabilize glucose metabolism.

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Author: alex

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