How to live longer: a way to extend life has been found

Experts in the field of healthy nutrition never tire of talking about the benefits of eating more vegetables instead of meat. According to them, such a diet protects brain health and increases energy levels.

Now new research has shown that replacing animal proteins with the same amount of plant proteins can help you live longer and reduce the risk of death from heart disease diseases.

In a study published in the journal Nutrients, scientists analyzed data from experiments, studying information about the health and sources of protein in the diet of approximately 1.5 million people.

Experts found that that replacing calories from animal protein with calories from plant protein contributed to lower all-cause and cardiovascular mortality. The clearest connection was observed when replacing red meat with bread, cereals and pasta.

“Comparable replacement of vegetable protein with animal protein can prevent mortality from all causes and cardiovascular diseases,” it says. in scientific work. However, scientists emphasized that additional research is needed regarding the risk of developing cancer and other specific diseases.

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Author: alex

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