How to live longer: an inexpensive vegetable will lower cholesterol and prolong life
Deterioration of physiological functions in the human body is associated not only with age, but also with various diseases, including cardiovascular, neurological and cancer. According to doctors, oxidative stress and chronic inflammation, one of the signs of which can be high cholesterol, contribute to the aging of the body. Common garlic will help to deal with it.
Studies involving animals and humans show that garlic is an effective means of combating high cholesterol. At the same time, in most experiments, participants were given approximately 0.5-1 g of garlic per day.
In one study, scientists analyzed the effect of garlic as an additional means of lowering cholesterol. They conducted a systematic review that included a meta-analysis of published and unpublished randomized controlled trials. A total of 16 scientific papers were analyzed.
As a result, it was found that garlic can reduce the level of total cholesterol by 12%. “A drop [in total cholesterol] was observed after one month of therapy and was maintained for at least six months,” the researchers noted.
Additionally, studies have shown that garlic supplements significantly lower blood pressure. In the course of one of them, it was established that the use of 600-1,500 mg of aged garlic extract was as effective as the action of the drug atenolol. Other works have also shown that the vegetable increases immunity, reduces oxidative stress and inflammation in the body, increasing life expectancy.
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