How to live longer: habits that destroy heart health
Become the cause of development stress, unhealthy diet and poor-quality drinking water can cause cardiovascular diseases and shorten life expectancy. About habits that destroy heart health.
According to cardiologist Rigved Tadwalkar, stress is one of the main factors that kill the heart. The specialist explained that constant experiences have a negative effect on the nervous system and lead to increased production of stress hormones, including adrenaline. As a result, blood pressure increases and the rhythm is disturbed, which “wears out” the organ.
In addition, improper nutrition negatively affects the health of the heart. Tadwalkar noted that regular consumption of fast food, processed meat, fried food, sweets and white bread can harm not only the cardiovascular system, but also the whole body.
Another bad habit is to lead a sedentary lifestyle. . According to the cardiologist, low physical activity contributes to the development of atherosclerosis, which causes a heart attack. To avoid serious consequences, the doctor recommends exercising at least 15-30 minutes a day.
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