How to lose weight and control weight: healthy morning habits

In order to lose a few extra kilograms, it is not necessary to completely change nutrition and lifestyle. Certain habits in the morning can help bring your weight back to normal and control it.

Eat a high-protein breakfast

This breakfast reduces appetite. Scientists have found that eating a high-protein meal in the morning helps reduce portion sizes and the number of meals, and also keeps you feeling full longer. Experts recommend eating eggs, Greek yogurt, cheese, nuts, chia seeds for breakfast.

Drink more water

Start the morning with one or two glasses of water – a simple way to speed up weight loss. Water helps to increase the metabolic rate by an average of 30%. Moreover, it can reduce appetite.

Weigh yourself every day

This is an effective method of increasing motivation and self-control. For best results, it is best to do this procedure after waking up, before eating or drinking anything.

Do physical exercises

Physical activity with in the morning is also useful. People who do aerobic exercise after waking up feel fuller for longer during the day, which contributes to weight loss.

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Author: alex

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