How to lower cholesterol after 50 years: simple but useful habits

The risk of heart problems increases with age. To protect against this, as well as lower cholesterol (a common cause of heart disease), you should review your habits.

Eat more soluble fiber

Soluble fiber, found in oats, fruits such as apples and pears, and many types of legumes, is a beneficial cholesterol-lowering nutrient. “It dissolves in water to form a gel-like material that can bind to cholesterol,” explained Amy Goodson, MD.

Choose healthier fats

< p>Expert Courtney D'Angelo believes that one of the best eating habits for lowering cholesterol after 50 is replacing unhealthy fats with healthier ones. It is necessary to limit the amount of foods that contain saturated fats, which can increase the level of LDL (the so-called “bad” cholesterol), such as fried foods, chocolate and pastries. D'Angelo suggests replacing saturated and trans fats with healthier fats, which can be found in foods like olive oil, canola oil, nuts, avocados, and fish.

Eat fruits and vegetables

“Continuous consumption of fruits and vegetables can increase the amount of important cholesterol-lowering compounds called plant stanols or sterols, which work like soluble fiber,” D'Angelo says. Apples are particularly noted to help lower cholesterol due to the pectin in the composition, and recent studies have also found that grapes help lower LDL cholesterol and improve gut bacterial diversity.

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Author: alex

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