How to lower cholesterol levels without pills?

Scientists have found that cheese can help blood vessels stay in good shape. What kind of cheese should you eat to stay healthy?

Almost everyone on Earth loves cheese. People eat it in its pure form and with the addition of other products. Many dishes are prepared on its basis. Many people don't even realize how beneficial it is for the body.

Recently, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a study that once again confirmed that cheese can protect our heart and blood vessels.

Researchers conducted an experiment in which overweight Irish men participated. It turned out that if they included Cheddar cheese in their diet, their blood cholesterol levels decreased. This proves that this type of cheese protects blood vessels and the heart.

Previously, it was believed that cheese is a fatty product, so it should be consumed in small quantities (especially if a person has health problems). But now doctors are sure that some types of dairy products, especially Cheddar cheese, can lower cholesterol levels even more than vegetable oil.

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Author: alex

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