How to maintain motivation and enthusiasm in performing daily tasks and achieving goals

An expert tells.


Next are the words of an expert.

There are 3 levers that can be used systematically to bring yourself closer to the desired regularity and persistence in doing the things you need. Realistic goals are the first lever for maintaining more or less stable motivation. So, first of all, it is worth admitting that you are unlikely to succeed in being always motivated and full of enthusiasm. Especially when it comes to routine things that do not lead to an immediate result, but only make sense in the long run, like learning to program or recovering from depression. You may be disappointed by this thesis, but you are not a robot and cannot control all the factors that affect your motivation and enthusiasm to do something.

And these factors are really many! For example, you may get sick and have to cancel your plans to go to the gym or dance because you don't want to infect others and you just don't have the energy for it. Or someone close to you is in trouble and you need to put your affairs aside to help them. In this case, the second lever will come in handy – the skill of treating yourself with kindness if you did not manage to stick to the plan. It is normal that in moments of weakness, the brain wants to scold you for insufficient persistence. In this way, it tries to push you to put more effort into a certain task next time. Such internal condemnation usually only leads to sadness, anger at oneself, despair, or disappointment, which, on the contrary, can demotivate future efforts. After all, few people want to do something, when instead of support in moments of weakness, you hear only condemnation. Therefore, it is very important to cultivate the habit of being your biggest cheerleader, even if you procrastinate or when you fail.

The third lever is to determine what is really important to you, to identify values. Values ​​are how you would like to behave in the long term, what kind of person you would like to be. It is a compass that keeps you from straying from the path of the life you want under the pressure of ideals that social media can sell you. When we are not grounded in our values, we can feel unhappy. Therefore, if you are planning a long-term goal, try to make it as tangential as possible to what is close to your heart.

Recently, we talked about how to achieve a balance between work and personal life.

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Author: alex

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