How to make a delicious and healthy pastila from apples

There are sweets that can go to benefits the body, does not spoil the teeth and harm the figure. This is a lozenge, which has recently been so popular in families where parents care about the healthy nutrition of their children. If you wish, you can prepare it yourself.


How to prepare a natural and healthy dessert from apples, which are plentiful at this time of year.

To prepare, you need :

  • apples;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • cinnamon, honey, lemon – to taste.

How to cook

So, wash the apples, cut off the damaged areas, seeds and cut into medium pieces.

Pour the bottom of the pan (both (necessarily with a thick bottom) of water, put the apples in it and cook over low heat, covered with a lid.

When the apples release juice, drain it. The fruits are crushed into a puree using a blender.

If you wish, you can add honey, and for an unusual taste, cinnamon, lemon peel or other flavorings (vanilla, for example).

From the puree you need evaporate the remaining moisture. This is done over low heat for 30-40 minutes (depending on the variety and number of apples, it may take more or less time). or use a silicone mat for baking.

The layer of puree should be 0.5 cm. We heat the oven to 60-80 degrees and dry the treats for about 2 hours.

The pastila will be ready when it stops stick to your hands.

Then you can cut it into strips or roll it up, sprinkling it with powdered sugar.

Store the dessert in a container, in a dry place.

Delicious!< /p>

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Publication date:
Author: alex

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