How to make a delicious pork knuckle roll

This roll is very easy to prepare. It turns out incredibly tasty and more useful than buying in a store. Read the recipe in detail, cook and enjoy it on holidays and on weekdays.


1 knuckle
3-4 century l. grain mustard
2 tbsp. l. smoked paprika
half a tablespoon of salt
50 ml of soy sauce
1 head of garlic


Carefully cut the knuckle. Remove the bone without damaging the skin. Unroll the meat like a large leaf. From the edge where there is more meat, cut it and transfer it to the edge where there is less, so that it is even.

Wipe well through cling film. Brush thoroughly with spices, mustard and soy sauce. Twist the roll tightly and wrap it in cling film. Let it lie in the film, marinate overnight.

After that, put the roll in the film in a saucepan and cook for 2-3 hours. Cool the finished cooked roll, put something heavy on top and keep it overnight in the refrigerator. After that, you can cut and taste. Delicious!

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Author: alex

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