How to make a dough for cheesecakes that would not be “fall apart” and were “lush”

cheeses are liked by adults and children. It is a delicious and nutritious dish that is great for breakfast or snacking. But it happens that newcomers in cooking complain that the dish when frying is falling apart or does not turn out to be lush and appetizing.

experienced housewives know the tricks that help to get the perfect treat. All the secret in dough preparation and properly selected components. >

  • sugar – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Manka – 2 tbsp. L.
  • You also need to prepare some flour. One spoon is enough. It should be medium fat, then the dish will be delicious. You can add a little vanillin for a brighter aroma. room temperature and heated a little.

    we make from the sausage dough and cut into portions.

    Fry the cheeses already in the oil heated with oil. The softer taste will work if you use the oil. The last minutes of the treat should be smeared under the lid.

    can be decorated with cheeses, fruits, fruits. Even more delicious they will become when adding sour cream or condensed milk.

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    Publication date:
    Author: alex

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