How to make a flat stomach: simple, but working methods of a nutritionist
Sitting work and lack of physical activity sooner or later can lead to the appearance of a bulging belly. Mykhailo Ginzburg, a nutritionist, believes that this problem can also be solved. To form a flat stomach, he suggested using several simple but proven methods.
The nutritionist considered cardio training to be the most effective exercise for getting rid of excess weight in the abdominal area. To them should be added toning complexes and loads aimed at the press area.
“Massage of the whole body is also very helpful, which improves blood circulation, which burns subcutaneous fat,” the nutritionist said.
Without correction of the diet, it will not be possible to form a flat stomach. The expert recommended excluding any confectionery, white bread and sweets. Fast food and fatty dishes are also undesirable in the diet.
The specialist advised people over 40 to pay attention to mental health. The nutritionist noted that at this age it is more difficult to lose weight, as the metabolic activity of the body decreases. Restrictions in the diet can affect a person's mental state negatively – it makes sense to pay more attention to moderate physical activity.
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