How to make a flea spray: tips for cat owners

There are many sprays on sale from flea However, the owner of the cat can prepare such a remedy on his own. The result will be a natural and safe drug. In addition, you will save money.


And in terms of its effectiveness, the “homemade” remedy will not be inferior to the purchased one.

Perhaps, the self-made spray will turn out to be even better for the store.

How to make a spray against fleas

First, pour half a liter of plain water into a pan.

You need to throw pieces of lemon into the water , a bunch of fresh lavender and a little of this plant in dried form (1 tablespoon).

The pan should be placed on the burner. Next, you need to turn on the minimum fire.

After half an hour, you need to remove it from the stove. As soon as the liquid cools down, it should be strained.

The resulting vodka should be poured into a spray bottle or a plastic bottle. If a second container is used, then put a sprayer on it.

The result will be a product, the drops of which should be sprinkled on the fur of the fluff. It will protect pets from fleas.

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Author: alex

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