How to make a two-component garden var to treat wounds on trees
On garden trees when inspected, you can find many places that need treatment. Cuts, cracks, wounds – everything can be healed. Garden var is prepared from only 2 components, so everything will be simple, quick and perfect.
How to cook
You need to follow the ratio 1 to 1. In this case, the mass will turn out to be the right consistency.
You need wood ash and wood resin. You ask, where to get that resin? For example, from trees in the garden. There is quite a lot of this resin on the wounds.
Put it in a metal container and heat it on the fire. Mix the ash and resin. Now cover all the necessary places with it. You can say that you have restored the bark in this way. Now the trees will definitely feel better.
Can bark problems be ignored? No, because a tree with wounds, cuts and cracks can easily be affected by pests and infectious diseases. That's why garden var is here to help you.
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